Sunday, March 13, 2011

Waterford AC & Today FM Run with Ray

Waterford AC are delighted to host the Waterford leg of the five days of the Run with Ray 5k series being organised as part of the Ray Darcy show on Today FM.

Our day in Waterford is Monday April 4th. Ray will host his daily show on the day here in Waterford between 9am and 12 noon and then do the 5k at 1pm.

Pre-entry is available now on at just 5 euro which includes a T-shirt. The plan is that people will meet at the RSC and be ready to do the 5K run with Ray starting at 1pm and workers can be done and back to work in time!

The route map is shown below; (Direction of run is anti-clockwise).

The Facebook page is available here.

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