Sunday, March 27, 2011

Busy Day for Club on the Roads

A great day of activity for Waterford AC today with great representation at the Munster Masters Roads championships in Carrick and also at the Splashworld 10K in Tramore.

In the Munsters: Diane Behan was 2nd in F40 individual category and helped the team of Elaine Barry, Caitriona Gough and Jacinta Power to win 3rd county team in the F35 category. In the F45 Gabrielle Blair, Maire Lawlor and Liz Nolan won the club title and were all on the county team that came 2nd.

For the men, Frank Quinlan had a great individual win and Jim Baldwin was 2nd in the M40 individual category. In the M40 team event we won the club title and were 3rd county. In the M50 our men were on the county team that came 3rd. Men competing on the day were Malachy McGlynn, David Drohan, Darryl Hale, Derek Grant, Eoin Palmer, Dermot McCarthy and Kevin Malone. Great day's activity with many medals.

In Tramore at the Splashworld 10k Silvia Malone and Pauline Lambe were 2nd and 3rd respectively and Deirdre Chapman was 1st F35 and other members from the club were well placed throughout. New to circuit training Melissa Brennan had a pb on what is a very tough course so even more proof (if it was needed) that a week of training without circuits is just not a week of training at all!! Wednesday at 7pm in Cillbarra for that one folks!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New category for Maire

Happy Birthday to Maire Lawlor as she turns 45 and best of luck from the club at all these masters competitions she is targeting in her new O45 category!! No pressure Maire but we are expecting a big medal haul at the Munster Masters T&F at the end of April. Glad the Long and High Jumps are going so well and that you are not forgetting the roads too!!

Why not join Maire and many others on saturdays at the RSC from 12:30 to 2:00 for introduction to T&F sessions. All standards and ages catered for.....We're not just a running club you know!!

Best of luck to all competing at the Munster Roads on Sunday next. Ladies 2 mile and Men 4 mile. Anyone travelling please bring the camera and email through to

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Waterford AC & Today FM Run with Ray

Waterford AC are delighted to host the Waterford leg of the five days of the Run with Ray 5k series being organised as part of the Ray Darcy show on Today FM.

Our day in Waterford is Monday April 4th. Ray will host his daily show on the day here in Waterford between 9am and 12 noon and then do the 5k at 1pm.

Pre-entry is available now on at just 5 euro which includes a T-shirt. The plan is that people will meet at the RSC and be ready to do the 5K run with Ray starting at 1pm and workers can be done and back to work in time!

The route map is shown below; (Direction of run is anti-clockwise).

The Facebook page is available here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Calling Women to run for South East Simon

The South East Simon Community have written to ask if any of our women members would consider running the Flora women’s mini marathon on 6th June on behalf of South East Simon Community.

For details of the race click here .

In the current difficult economic climate and with the high levels of unemployment and redundancies, Simon are finding an increase in the level of people looking for our assistance.
As they are almost completely funded by public donations, they are now looking to local residents to help fundraise to ensure that they can deliver the services in our location.
For more Details contact; Fiona Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, South East Simon Community, Unit 33 Johnstown Business Park, Waterford Ph: 051 874838 Mob: 085 8055400 E:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Waterford AC WIT AC 6k Run

On a lovely Saturday afternoon in Waterford the first annual WAC WIT 6K Carraiganore run was held with Waterford AC men and women winning both team events.
Caitriona Gough won the F35 category prize and great to see the Tuesday and Thursday sessions at 5:45 on the track really paying off for Caitriona.
Anne Fitgerald, back running strong after a long fight with a leg injury, was an impressive winner in the F50 category.
The winning mens team was Frank Quinlan, Jim Baldwin and David Cunningham and the Ladies winning team was Suzanne Dullaghan, Elaine Barry and Mary Burke.
Junior winners for the club were Alan Slattery (3rd) and Niamh Tebay (2nd) and Bernadette Power (4th).
Great to see so many members wearing the club singlet and while the course was tough all agreed it was a great event with a very high standard of athlete. Great marshalling of the course by WIT students and WAC members alike was evident and hats off to the WIT students in organising and distributing so many spot prizes. After such a tough run a very welcome and superb catering service was provided through Campus Services in WIT. Andrew Connick of WIT is to be congratulated on pulling out all the stops in making this first of many WAC WIT ventures an unqualified success for both clubs.
A surprise presentation was also made to club captain Tom O'Brien for a successful past year of competition where he set Irish record marks in the Masters O40 category for Outdoor Pentathlon, Decathlon and Indoor Penthathlon and won silver medals in the British Masters outdoor and indoor pentathlon championships and finished eight in the Decathlon at the European championships. We wish Tom the best of luck later this month when he competes in the European Indoor championships in the Pentahlon in Belgium. Receiving his presentation, from Albert Tebay, Tom thanked the club for the vey nice plaque and (flashy) club gear and looked forward to many years of strong links between Waterford AC and the WIT AC in this Carraiganore race and also the developement of athletics facilities at the WIT Carraiganore Campus generally.
The consensus among athletes and spectators alike was that Sports Campus Carraiganore facility could be the centre of athletics for Waterford, the region and beyond for many years to come and Waterford AC are delighted to be intrinsically linked in this endeavour.