Monday, April 25, 2011

4 Mile City Run

In true Costa del Waterford weather Waterford AC hosted another great event and guided 218 runners through the streets of Waterford to a very fast 4 mile run. Fintan Walsh got everyone off to a prompt start at 12:16 and with Joe and the traffic corp and 26 stewards in their allocated spots by Michael & Pauline the runners got through the course safely, quickly and enjoyably (???) to finish at the RSC where they were welcomed home with drinks, bananas and Easter eggs for every 10th bunny by many of our Juvenile WAC members, the finish area having been organised so efficiently by Mal and Jim...and with Teas, Coffees and cakes upstairs by Dee & Co everyone agreed it was an excellent fun day out!

Brian Swaby was first WAC male home coming 3rd overall with Slyvia Malone first WAC lady coming 2nd lady overall and both team prizes were won by Waterford AC: the members being David Cunningham, Dave Drohan and Dermot McCarthy and Gabrielle Blair, Anna Dungan and Carolyn Ryan. WAC members who won category prizes were Jacinta Brazil, Patt O'Keefe, Tom Burns and Tony O'Brien. The Junior lady prize was won by Kate Nolan making it 2 wins in the same weekend having won the Butlerstown 10K junior title on Friday night.

Much thanks is due to all who helped out on the day (you know who you are!), particularly our front of house registrations girls of Jacinta, Chelly, Mary, Sinead and Ann who welcomed (and processed!) the athletes at the Granary.

Our next road race is Waterford to Tramore on Saturday May 7th at 7pm. If you are planing on running it please pre-register on or at Alfie Hale sports shop in town or if you are available to steward contact Pauline, Michael or Tom.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Butlerstown 10K

Another great night of roadrunning at the Butlerstown 10K with Frank Quinlan and Jim Baldwin running strong to come 2nd and 4th respectively. The race was won with an impressive show by WIT AC student Paddy Hogan. The club wish Paddy and the strong team of students who compete next weekend in Belfast at the Intervarsities T&F championships.
Elain Barry and Liz Nolan both had great runs to win their respective categories and Tony O'Brien fresh from his win at the National 10K championships in the Phoenix park a couple of weeks ago was in fine form again to win the O60 category this evening. Juvenile member of the club Kate Nolan ran an excellent race to win the junior prize for the second year in a row.

Next Race: Our own 4 mile this coming Sunday at 12:15 starting beside the railway station. Pre-registration (of 10 euro) closes in Alfie Hale sports shop in the city at 5pm on Saturday but entries can still be taken on the day for 12 euro in the Granary from 10:30 to 12noon. The race finishes on the track at the RSC with tea and cakes upstairs at the RSC after and Prize giving trackside at 2pm.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Glor na Mara 4 mile - Friday April 8th

The winter is gone and so say all of us. In Tramore this evening Waterford AC were to the fore in winning prizes and participating in the Glor na Mara 4 mile road race. The race could have been called 'Run with Brian' since if you were going to beat Brian Swaby you would still have had to beat Brian Murphy! Shown are a few photos of some of our members who ran and plenty of PBs were done again this week.

Full steam ahead for our own 4 mile run on Easter Sunday at 12:15 so get training...after a well earned rest tomorrow! Entries now being taken at Alfie Hale Sports, by post to 63 The Croft, Clarinwood, Tramore or online at Only 10 euro advance entry!

Well done to all involved in organising this fundraiser for the school, many of whom are club members of ours. (Click on the photos to see bigger).

Dont forget(!) to get involved in club training sessions and become one of the ever increasing bunch of members whose PBs are coming down from week to week! Tuesday and Thursday at the RSC for 5:45pm speed sessions guided by Brian Swaby and Wednesday at 7 for circuits at Cilbarra designed by our Strength & Conditioning Coach Mark Ross! Also, Saturdays each week 12:30 to 2pm at the RSC for Track & Field sessions for seniors and Masters: come along and try out some events and target an event: We're not just a road running club you know!!! Even if road running is your game... what is it they say???...To run fast you have to run faster! So get down to the RSC and join the crew who are running faster!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Great club participation in Run with Ray

Well done to all the club members who helped make the first of the Runs with Ray 5K a great success for the runners and club alike. All agreed it was yet another well organised and fun filled run organised by our club. Great thanks to all our members and friends who helped out in many ways today. The RSC was a hive of activity from 8:30 and all came together well to guide 680 runners around a nice flat 5k route.

Some pics of the day;